gathering cattle

The Montana Beef Council was created in 1954 by cattlemen as a marketing organization for the Montana Beef industry.  It is one of 44 state beef councils.  A 12-member board of directors oversees the Montana Beef Council.  In accordance with council bylaws members are appointed or elected by membership organizations as follows: Montana Stockgrowers, Montana Cattlemen's Association, Montana CattleWomen, Livestock Auction Markets, Cattle Feeders, Meat Packer/Processor, Farm Bureau, Farmers Union, Retailer, Dairymen, and Montana Angus Association.  Meet the Board of Directors


Phone: 406-656-3336  |  Fax: 406-656-3337  |  Email: [email protected]


Mailing: P.O. Box 80865, Billings, MT 59108

Physical: 2795 Enterprise Ave., Ste. 4, Billings, MT 59102

Mission statement

The Montana Beef Council is organized to enhance profit opportunities for Montana cattle and beef producers by increasing demand for beef and beef products.

See Annual Reports 

Read the Current Marketing Plan

beef checkoff collection

As a qualified State Beef Council under the Beef Promotion and Research order, the Montana Beef Council is responsible for collecting the nationally legislated $1 per head checkoff on all cattle marketed in Montana.

Collection Addresses:

For Auction Markets and other states please send to:

Montana Beef Council

P.O. Box 80865

Billings, MT 59108

For private treaty sales send to:

Montana Beef Council

301 N. Roberts

P.O. Box 202020

Helena, MT 59620


Chaley Harney

Executive Director


sue broyles

Business Manager


tammy bridges

Director of Collections & Compliance


al koenig

Field Representative


anna sponheim

Project Manager


Beef box contest

Winners are drawn twice a month! Enter for your chance to win $50 worth of beef and beef products!

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MBC Newsroom

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