how do i submit the form?
Email: [email protected]
Upload completed form:
Fax: (406) 656-3337
Mail: Montana Beef Council P.O. Box 80865 Billings, Montana 59108
*In order to submit the form online you must print the document, complete and sign. Then either save the form or take a picture (for mobile submission) to upload electronically.
What has changed?
Due to the ongoing Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund, United Stockgrowers of America (R-CALF) versus U.S. Department of Agriculture lawsuit, Montana ranchers who would like up to half of their dollar to remain with the MBC Board of Directors will need to complete a producer consent form on an annual basis. This consent authorizes the board to carry out programs designed to stimulate beef demand. If your form is not returned, your full checkoff dollar will remain at the national level with the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. By signing a form, you are allowing the MBC Board of Directors to have local input about beef education and promotion, right here in Montana.
What needs to be done?
In order for half of your checkoff dollars to remain in Montana, please review, sign and return the form as soon as possible.
Why should I sign?
The Beef Checkoff remains mandatory regardless of the lawsuit. The investment that each Montana rancher makes with the $1-dollar-per-head Beef Checkoff goes directly towards beef demand-building programs that keep more beef on more plates. These efforts are accomplished by the direction of a twelve-member board of directors, who are fellow Montana ranchers and business owners, along with organizations leveraging the use of checkoff dollars with their beef promotion and education projects.
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